I am I

Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the prettiest in the world? Oh! Who has this mirror? "The people", people who are busy judging every passerby. In our life, at some point of time we too fall in the category of "the people". Isn't it quite absurd that we expect from others to not judge us but we do the same, seldom or often, DOESN'T MATTER, but we do judge. Introspection of oneself is a necessity because if I am unable to judge myself no one else can. The Almighty has gifted every individual diverse qualities and capabilities of fulfilling their own goals which may be even unknown to us. Discovering oneself is the first and should be the primary focus for those who are easily perturbed by other's words. In my opinion, there are three kinds of people, one who overjudge themselves and boast with self-obsession end up being egoist, the second one are those who are oblivion to their strengths but have well-accentuated their weaknesses throu...