What is the most important thing to keep moving on?

We all strive for something in our life and try to put our heart & soul in achieving it. No matter how small or big your dreams are nevertheless everyone has to put an effort for adding a feather in cap.  On this journey we face rejections, downfall, depression and sometimes lose all what we aspired for. What keeps us going on the path we have chosen? Ever faced a situation when no one pays attention to your miseries and you have to struggle to keep moving forward in life. When tough times strike our faith blows the happy-go-lucky bubble around us , its natural to think of Why me? 

We live in a modernized world surrounded with gadgets and technology all around us. For the starters, an alarm clock patiently obeys to be impatient every morning , all the wires crisscrossed in a systematic pattern in entire house to make every non-living thing alive in a second, and how can we leave our present days besties - Mobile phone ,TV, AC and PC (personal car!). All the techie elements have replaced the time with us , our family and people who make us happy.
First thing that helps moving on is your money. Those who are rich enjoy the luxurious life. Keep adding comforts of life and find happiness in the materialistic domain. Money buys objects and create a virtual real environment which eases a person's living. Technology,social media, gadgets help passing time for those in solitude. People spend more time texting and chatting with friends, strangers online and has been cut out from there friend circle and family members. 

The second thing which helps people overcome from the dark hour is the love of their loved ones. The presence of a selfless family who stands by us in every endeavour of life. Guides, scolds but still loves. When no one believes in you but your family does it makes you strong enough to battle with the difficulties coming your way. Love of a person is not bound by objects, geographical places or time. Love is eternal and stays with you even when we lose our loved ones. There is no such thing as fake love. If Love is there it is true, pious and  commendable for its unconditional , selfless nature. During the 90s and before when people were not connected by internet or phone, they waited for letters for months and these letters acted as the catalyst of sending warm wishes, family news and a token of expressing love. In the present times, people avoid getting into long distance relationships or fail to survive through it successfully. Physical presence of your partner is essential but love never vanishes if people stay apart. Value the presence of a loving family around you because even they are in your life for a limited period of time.

The last and most important driver of motivation is faith. Faith on your good deeds. Those who believe in Karma and have faith on the Almighty. They believe that God will bring justice to them and be always there at back. The spiritual texts quote that everything which happens in life is directed by God and is the fruit of our own karma. It is asked by the people to work dutifully and surrender their ego, selfishness, desires,success and failure all in hands of God. He is the one to take care of his children and will definitely bring the light after every tunnel in your life. People who don't have family or money , they have faith with them and this drives them to keep moving forward in life. 

Never lose hope due to short term disturbances in life because in the long term happiness and contentment is sure.


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