What is the most important thing to keep moving on?
Date:9/7/21 We all strive for something in our life and try to put our heart & soul in achieving it. No matter how small or big your dreams are nevertheless everyone has to put an effort for adding a feather in cap. On this journey we face rejections, downfall, depression and sometimes lose all what we aspired for. What keeps us going on the path we have chosen? Ever faced a situation when no one pays attention to your miseries and you have to struggle to keep moving forward in life. When tough times strike our faith blows the happy-go-lucky bubble around us , its natural to think of Why me? We live in a modernized world surrounded with gadgets and technology all around us. For the starters, an alarm clock patiently obeys to be impatient every morning , all the wires crisscrossed in a systematic pattern in entire house to make every non-living thing alive in a second, and how can we leave our present days besties - Mobile phone ,TV, AC and PC (personal car!). All t...