
Showing posts from August, 2018


चंद्रमा की शीतलता मे तल्लीन  है, आज मेरा मन | दसो दिशाओं में ढूंढ रहा है उत्तर, उन प्रश्नों का जिसके प्रशंछिंह से विचलित है मन | डूबते हुए अपने ही खयालों मे शांति की खोज कर रहा, तैर रहा पर थक सा गया है | पूछ अपने आप से क्यू कर रहा है फिक्र? अंत नहीं इस भ्रमजाल का, बंधन है ये जिसकी डोर तेरी हथेली पर | छोड़ दे उन विचारो को जिन्हे किनारा समझ कर थाम लिया था तूने| रात मे छायी है अँधियारी, मन मे नहीं आंखो के पार चंद्रमा की रोशनी में भी ढूंढ सकता है तू चल, पहल कर | समय है  बाँध के टूटने का रोक मत अब अपने आप को | फिक्र कर जीवन मे तू खो चुका अनंत आनंद आहत मन को शांति के सुमन सा बना पंखुड़ियाँ जिसकी कोमल हो पर हो खिली हुई| उदासीन होकर इस जीवन मे महसूस कर शांत वायु की सौम्यता को स्थिर कर अपने मन को, सोच | समय का रुख तु जानता नहीं इसीलिए, उलझनों मे फंस कर भी अब फिक्र मत कर | ©gshree

Mom- its Sunday !

Sunday is referred as best day in a week because almost everyone enjoys a holiday on that day from students to the workforce and even the senior citizens. It is a different picture even outside your home,the busy roads, family trips, crowded and pre booked tickets in cinema halls, outing with friends and plans for home etc. different people with varying choices enjoy their Sunday in their own way. Now recall a moment from your past where you told your mom that ” today is Sunday” or maybe just before reading this article as the title suggests. This Sunday has a different meaning here, we use this phrase often in our home to delay our jobs to do on Sunday or perhaps prepare a long list of work to be completed on Sunday. Well, in my opinion for this title is slightly different here. Think Sunday from your mom’s point of view. Especially for those mothers who are home makers. For them with the sunrise their household duties start and are not free even after the sunset. One...

Budhi amma kahan jaa hi ho?

Do you remember this game which is even played today in many streets of India and even in school. I played this game in the beginning of my school life. Today randomly I realized that it can be related to our life. Now let us imagine this game… Children : Budhi amma ,budhi amma kahan jaa rhi ho? Amma : Nadi kinare… Children : Nadi to yahin hai.ek paisa dalo bada ho jayega. Amma drops the coin inside the circle and all the children spread a bit increasing their circle. Amma ; ye to chhoti hai. Children ; ek paisa aur dalo. Badi ho jayegi Amma drops the coin inside the circle and all the children spread a bit increasing their circle. Finally amma realizes that the space is sufficient so she tries to enter. Amma : yahan ka tala toduu. Children: papa ko bulayenge. Amma : yahan ka tala toduu. Children: Mummy ko bulayenge. Amma : yahan ka tala toduu. Children: Mama ko bulayenge…. And the process continues for a while and at last the children break the...