Time tells tales

Writing an hour before midnight of new year which will say goodbye to the unpredictable 2020. In the past 6 to 7 months some people have been sharing what they did in this lockdown, how did they utilized their precious Time and on the other hand Many of them lost their loved ones and now have to live with their memories. All on the same line but going in different dimensions. I have been constantly hearing this since childhood that "time heals everything." but no one put an asterisk(*) mark and pointed any terms and conditions. How much does it heals? Are our good and bad times set on a timer? What will happen when the timer stops and time plays it's trump card? This year changed every living being's life in some way. Changed our attitude towards living life. Hence its worthless to have expectations from tomorrow. Time has the power to , swing you like a pendulum, move in a projectile motion, throw to the waters of the Caribbean or send us on a ride of gian...